We could endlessly describe Jesus. We could list out the numerous titles he’s given throughout the Bible and describe all he came to do. But if you haven’t placed your trust in Jesus, there are some core things you need to know:
Jesus is God.
He’s the one who made us and owns us. He deserves our allegiance and obedience, our love and honour. He deserves our worship.
Jesus is Judge.
The Bible says we are all sinners deserving judgement from God. We have all broken his holy law, rejecting his ways and living our own way. We are all rebels, and Jesus as God and King, will judge all law-breakers. This will mean eternal separation and judgement in hell.
Jesus is Saviour.
Jesus is not uninterested in his creation. He cares for his people. So, in humility he came to live as a man. He did this perfectly, unlike us. He lived an entirely pure and sinless life, obeying God at every moment. Because he was perfect, without sin, he didn’t deserve to die. Everyone deserves judgement, but when he died, he was taking the punishment of all those who’d put their trust in him. At the cross, he took the guilt of his people, and when we place our trust in him we are given his perfection and righteousness. We are seen as righteous in God’s eyes. For the one who trusts in Jesus, repenting from (turning away from) their sin, we know we will forever live with God, with no fear of hell – not because we are good, but because it is his gift to those who believe.
Are you curious about Jesus? Do you have questions? Get in contact with us or come to our Sunday service, we’d love to help however we can.
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