Gathered worship: 10am, every Sunday at 75A Victoria St, Eaglehawk.

We are a community joined together by God. In love he sent Jesus, his Son, to die for us, so he could forgive and adopt us. In love the Father and Son sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts so we would become more like Jesus. So every week we meet as a family. We come to praise God and to encourage one another to continue loving God and the community around us.

If you don’t know God as your Father, why not come along? Whether you’re a skeptic or curious, we’d love to meet you. If you do know God as Father but you’re looking for a new church family, we’d love to meet you too.

What can you expect?

Each week we:

sing to God and about God.

pray to God.

read God’s word, the Bible.

hear God speak again as his word is explained.

Some weeks are extra-special, as we see and taste:

We see baptism, where God’s offer of forgiveness for those who believe is promised visibly.

We taste the Lord’s Supper, where we remember and celebrate the Lord’s death and anticipate his return.

Your first time?

Don’t worry about parking – there’s plenty of on-street parking, as well as a car park next door. And don’t worry about what to wear – everyone who comes is different, and you’ll be welcomed no matter what. God has welcomed us through Jesus, and as his family we’ll welcome you!